Together We Make A Difference

D.C. Metro Area Resources

Local Hispanic CFC Organizations in the D.C. Metro Area

8038 Ayuda, Inc
(202) 387-4848
EIN#52-0971440 / 25%
Ayuda provides legal support and social services to refugees, immigrants, and battered women in the area of immigration, domestic violence, child support, and custody.

8123 Calvary Bilingual Multicultural Learning Center
(202) 332-4200
EIN#25-1689720 / 12%
A community education center providing infant and toddler, early childhood, school-age care, literacy programs for youth, enrichment activities, and support services for families.

8286 Carlos Rosario International Career Center
(202) 234-6522
EIN#52-1958836 / 18%
The Carlos Rosario International Career Center provides English language, life skills, and workforce development training with counseling and job placement services to DC adults.

8159 CASA of Maryland
(301) 270-0442
EIN#52-13172972 / 5%
Offers employment training and placement, community economic development, ESL and literacy classes, health support, housing emergency and supplemental food, and advocacy for Latino immigrants.

7357 GALA Hispanic Theater
GALA Hispanic Theatre was established in 1976 to preserve and promote the culture of Hispanics in the U.S. and to expose the North American population to Hispanic culture through the presentation of bilingual theater. Since its founding, GALA has produced over 100 plays in Spanish and English and provided a diverse program of theater (from classical to contemporary), poetry, music and dance to a wide audience.

9105 Hispanics Against Child Abuse and Neglect (H.A.C.A.N.)
(703) 208- 1550
EIN#54-1405697 / 18%
A nonprofit organization offering child abuse prevention and parenting education programs geared toward increasing the public’s awareness of child abuse specifically relating to Latino population.

5445 La Clinica del Pueblo
(202) 462-4788 
EIN#52-1942551 / 5.2%
Providing free, culturally appropriate primary care, mental health, HIV/AIDS, interpret, social, and education services since 1983 in the Latino community.

8489 Latin American Youth Center 
(202) 452-1500
EIN#52-1023074 / 14%
Support youth and families by providing them with the skills and opportunities to live safe, secure, healthy, and productive lives.

8938 Latino Student Fund
(202) 452-1500
EIN#52-1859975 / 16%
Scholarships (K-12); bilingual education information, assistance with financial aid and admissions forms, tutoring for public school students.

8263 Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care, Inc.
(202) 483-8196
EIN#52-1594116 / 6%
Non-sectarian, prenatal, pediatric, adolescent health care; social services for uninsured working families, 24- hour telephone care, home visiting, midwife, holistic care. Needy families never turned away.

9228 Ninos Unidos de Montgomery County, Inc.
(301) 947-4300
EIN#52- 1997676 / 18.3%
Provides financial assistance to homeless, disadvantaged, and at risk youth to attend after school activities. Offers tutoring and mentoring programs, dropout prevention. Advocacy for Hispanics.

8192 Spanish Catholic Center Inc.
(202) 939-2437
EIN#52-0980905 / 14%
Provides a wide range of services for immigrant community in the areas of medical, dental, social services, employment, food pantry, immigration, citizenship, ESOL and computer training.

8193 Spanish Education Development (SED) Center
(202) 462-8848
EIN#23-7147887 / 5%
Primarily committed to Latin American immigrants. Provide educational programs for children ages, 2-4, families, and adults. Helps develop skills necessary to lead productive lives.

NOTE: The EIN# provides the donor another point of reference if you wish to obtain information about an organization’s finance from the IRS (1-877-829-5500).
Percentage number is the is the percentage of fundraising and administrative costs as a percentage of total revenue.